What Are the Common Symptoms of Fatty Liver Disease?

NASH is commonly referred to as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. NASH can result in cirrhosis of the liver cancer.


A large proportion of Americans suffer from one or more forms of fatty liver diseases. Approximately 60% of the American population is estimated to have NAFLD, the second leading cause of death due to liver disease. NAFLD has no known cure and no definite known causes. This condition usually starts during an individual's middle age and can continue throughout a person's life. There are two types of NASH; nonalcoholic fatty liver (NAFL) and alcoholic fatty liver (AFL).


The symptoms of NAFLD include frequent urination, weight loss, nausea and vomiting, and loss of appetite and thirst. The other NAFLD symptoms include excessive weight gain, dark, oily skin, and yellowish hair.


Fatty liver is diagnosed by the presence of fatty lumps or lumps in the liver


Fatty deposits in the liver are often found on blood tests. If a doctor suspects a patient has NASH, blood tests are usually done to rule out other conditions, such as a liver infection.


Although it is not uncommon for people with NAFLD to experience symptoms of NASH or FHD later in life, many of these people have been able to avoid serious harm to their health simply by making lifestyle changes. In some cases, NAFLD can lead to complete liver dysfunction and death.


NASH is the most common form of fatty liver disease due to its direct association with alcohol consumption. Although it is not possible to completely eliminate alcohol consumption, it is possible to reduce the severity of symptoms with the correct diet and moderate exercise. If the person with NASH is also a strong alcoholic, the condition may worsen if not treated properly.

It's important to note that the only proven cure for fatty liver disease is liver transplant. There is no known method that can reverse the damage caused by fatty deposits in the liver; however, there are treatments that can slow the progression of the disease and increase the chances of a successful outcome.


There are certain herbal supplements that can be used to treat fatty liver disease in both healthy and unhealthy patients. Herbal supplements are usually made with ingredients such as vitamin C and echinacea to boost the immune system. The liver may heal itself after a period of time.


In cases where the liver has failed to recover and the fatty deposits are allowed to build up, surgery may be required. The surgery will remove all of the fatty deposits in the liver using an endoscope. A bandage is placed over the liver in order to protect it during recovery.


Liver transplants are not usually performed unless the fatty deposits are extremely large and/or if liver disease has progressed to the point where the patient has experienced cirrhosis and liver failure. If both these conditions exist, a liver transplant is usually the last resort.


Liver transplantation is an effective treatment that allows the patient to receive nourishment from his or her own body


However, this procedure requires a long recovery period, and the patient may also be limited in terms of activity until the patient has recovered. The liver must be prepared for the transplant and may need several weeks to months to be able to fully heal.


Fatty deposits and liver failure do not always occur at the same time. Sometimes a patient with NAFLD can experience complications such as jaundice (yellowing of the skin and yellowish-greenish urine) after having surgery.


Fatty deposits in the liver can also develop slowly over time. The deposits usually grow larger and more severe over time. These conditions may progress into cirrhosis if left untreated.

David A. Leak

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